Set QRM Eliminator 2Mhz-50Mhz. Incl parts and PCB undrilled


  • Model:   QRM Eliminator (43) 

Doorgaan met winkelenvoorraad

Product toegevoegd: 22/10/2020

The QRM Eliminator either X-Phase is connected between the antenna and the Transceiver, and there is still an auxiliary antenna made with a piece of wire, which captures the QRM.
The auxiliary antenna has to pick up the QRM and should therefore not to 'good', only the local QRM and did not receive the desired signal, in the circuit is now the QRM signal in anti-phase of the desired signal is subtracted.
There are three potentiometers, one for the strength of the desired signal, one of the strength and for the Phase 1 of the QRM signal. Both signals must therefore be brought to the same strength, then has to be minimized with the Phase potentiometer the QRM.

Name:  Set QRM Eliminator 2Mhz-50Mhz. Incl parts and PCB undrilled
Model No.:  QRM Eliminator (43)

Product added: 22/10/2020

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url :_RESTRIC1.pdf
model :QRM Eliminator (43)_RESTRIC1.pdf
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Set QRM Eliminator 2Mhz-50Mhz. Incl parts and PCB undrilled

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